First Amendment Foundation Awards

Florida’s long-standing tradition of reverence for the First Amendment and open government is reflected in its respect for free speech, free press and access to public records.

But the ability of Floridians to benefit from these freedoms is often directly related to the commitment of citizens, journalists, layers, legislators and public officials to promote and abide by both the spirit and letter of these mandates. In other words, our freedoms are only as good as the vigilance of government employees and citizens alike to ensure that these rights are honored and enhanced, not eroded or frustrated.

To make sure those individuals who stand up for freedom and government transparency are recognized for their efforts, the First Amendment Foundation periodically honors journalists, lawyers, legislators and officials for their work and efforts to protect speech and government transparency.

These awards are the Lucy Morgan Award for Open Government Reporting, The Pete Weitzel Friend of the First Amendment Award and the James C. Adkins Sunshine Litigation Award.

The First Amendment Foundation calls nominations for these three awards from November 1 through March 31. You can also send in unsolicited nominations for these awards during that period by sending or emailing a concise explanation of why you think the nominee deserves recognition along with examples of or descriptions of their work. Please indicate clearly for which award you are nominating your candidate.

Here is a brief description of each award:

The Pete Weitzel / Friends of the First Amendment Award

In recognition of Pete Weitzel, founder of the First Amendment Foundation and former senior editor of the Miami Herald, the Foundation annually recognizes one outstanding individual who has made a significant contribution to the fostering of open government in Florida. Eligibility is not limited to members of the press, but is open to anyone… government officials, public employees, and private citizens.

View past winners

The James C. Adkins / Sunshine Litigation Award

The James C. Adkins/Sunshine Litigation Award was created to recognize the importance and continuing value of Justice Adkins’ open government opinions while on the Florida Supreme Court and is given to a person or an organization in Florida who has made a significant contribution to the cause of furthering open government through litigation.

View past winners

The Lucy Morgan Award for Open Government Reporting

The Lucy Morgan Award for Open Government Reporting is named for Lucy Morgan, the former Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for the St. Petersburg Times (now the Tampa Bay Times) who broke countless stories using public records. The award honors a Florida journalist who smartly uses public records to report stories exposing corruption, revealing government conflicts of interest or otherwise serving the public interest. The award was created in 2017 and the first winners were announced at FAF’s annual Sunshine Luncheon on January 23, 2018.

View past winners